Shop Hop Starts Tomorrow Feb. 24
Our annual Spring Shop Hop Starts tomorrow February 24 and will continue thru the 28th.
Five fun days of shopping and hopping, picking up goody bags filled with fun ideas and treats for all. Each shop will have a gift basket valued at $50. Upon completion of the shop hop you will have earned your bag to receive your year of 15% off. Yes that's right if you want to always receive a savings on everything you purchase this is the hop to participate in.
Participating shops include
Carolines Cottage Cottons Rome City
A Quilt of Many Colors Leo
Edwards Sewing Center Ft. Wayne
Quilts n Gifts Bluffton
Engine House Quilts Berne In
Heaven On Earth Wabash
Your passports are free and you may pick them up at any participating shop. Shop hop hours are from 10 - 6 Monday - Friday 9 - 5 on Saturday. My regular hours are 9 - 5 so you can get a head start here any day.
Looking forward to seeing everyone of you.
Happy Stitching
Heaven On Earth Hours
4767 N. St. Rd. 15 Mon - Fri 9 - 5 Saturdays 9 - 3
Wabash In 46992 Closed Sundays
765-833-5461 www.heavenonearthofwabash.com