Out with the snow, Here we go a shopping
I think the winter winds are blowing on out of here. We've got a couple of sunny days coming our way... Does that mean "in like a lion out like a lamb " or is it "in like a lamb"? Guess we'll see real soon. My baby plants will start arriving this week and we've been planting seeds, so spring is official at Heaven on Earth. Sunny days in the greenhouse.
No time to waste, spring cleaning and gardening are on their way.
I was grilling again last night and took the time to make my meals for the whole week. I do this when I know there is little time to waste. This week is the beginning of our Spring Shop Hop, (details below) I 'm going to visit the Red Bud Quilt Guild in Anderson, and lots of planting and quilting to do. I figure it takes less time to grill hambugers, steaks and chicken all at one time than to do it each night. (More time for evening projects and less dishes:)
Our Spring Shop Hop starts Thursday Mar. 3rd. - Sat Mar. 12th
This year it's all about bags. Each shop you visit you will get a different bag pattern.
Our passports are free and you can pick them up at the first shop you visit. This year we are not able to give you the passports early as there is a scavenge hunt contest and so..... you know no early passports
Hours Mon. Tues. Wed. & Fri 10 - 6 Thurs. 10 -7 Sat. 10 - 5
We open everyday at our regular time of 9 a.m. and will follow the closing hours for the hop.
Not only do you get the chance to win one of seven bags filled with goodies you also get the chance at the grand prize of seven $50 gift certificates. One from each shop. Boy who wouldn't have fun with that quilting cash.
We just received a new book called ABC 3-D this book is filled with patterns of tumbling blocks that are strip pieced. Can't wait to start working with them. The whole book just inspires me. Lots of possibilities.
The new Country Register just arrived. You can pick them up in the shop. This one has lots of yummy sounding recipes in it.
Upcoming Events
Spring Shop Hop Mar. 3rd - 12th
The Gathering Mar. 18th & 19th
Cincinnati Quilt Festival April 7th - 10th
Hope to see you soon, till then
Happy Stitching
Cheryl Ross Join us on face book
Heaven On Earth Hours
4767 N. St. Rd. 15 Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 Sat. 9 - 3
Wabash IN 46992 Closed Sunday
765-833-5461 www.heavenonearthofwabash.com