New Years News
Hello Fellow Stitchers
2017 is here! We here a Heaven On Earth wish you a healthy, prosperous and productive new year!
This Saturday Jan 7th will finish our New Aged Muslin BOM. A few of you still do not have your finishing kits. If you are one of these people would you please call so that we can have it ready for you. Our fabric has finally arrived again and we want to make sure you get your kit.
We will also have a pattern for you to make matching pillow cases if you are making this a queen/king quilt. You don't want to miss coming in Saturday for our final block.
Determined to get more done this year. We have some events you wont want to miss out on.
Jan 13th will be our first PMS (Pizza, Munchies and Sewing) Like the stitch in we will have this at the Roann Community Building. We set up a large cutting area and ironing stations. You bring your project and machine. Doors will open at 4 p.m. and close when the last stitch is stitched. I will take care of the Pizza and munchies if you will bring your choice of beverage. The cost of this evening is $20. Minimum of 10 Call the shop for more info.
Jan. 14th will be our call out for our new Hand stitching club. Each month thru 2017 we will offer a small easy to finish project. We will teach English paper piecing, embroidery and punch needle during these classes. Annual fee is $20 and you will have the opportunity to purchase each months projects at a special price. We encourage show and tell.
Our next Stitch in Weekend will be Feb 3rd and 4th. Like our last one there is limited space and unlimited fun. Doors will open at 9 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. We can stitch as long as we like. Again we will have a large cutting table and ironing stations for you to use just bring your project, machine and notions and I will take care of the food, snacks and drinks. Joins us for a weekend of fun, food and fellowship.
Mark you calendar for our Spring shop Hop Feb 21st - Feb 25th. This is the hop you earn your Quilt Shop Discount Bag. Visit each participating shop receive your shoppers bag that earns you a 15% discount all year long. More info to come.
It's a Frenzy!!!! A fat quarter Frenzy that is. This weekend. Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th a Special deal 10 fat quarters are just $20. What a deal! Save $10 on each set of 10 you buy.
Happy Stitching
Heaven On Earth Hours
4767 N. State Rd. 15 Monday - Friday 9 - 5 Saturday 9 - 3
Wabash In 46992 Closed Sundays
765-833-5461 www.heavenonearthofwabash.com