Upcoming events
Hello Fellow Stitchers
According to the calander summer is over. Mornings and nights are longer, there's more time for stitching. Finally time to put the gardens to sleep and spend more time with our needle and thread.
September is full of events.
First off This weekend is our Fall Stitch in. If you have been thinking a couple days of stitching with freinds old and new sound like some fun for you, you are right. We have just a couple spots left so dont delay. Call right away. What is our stitchin? You get two full days of stitching, Friday lunch and dinner, snacks, laughter, inspiration and your own table for your project. There will be ironing stations and a cutting area available. All for just $50. We hold this at the Roann Community Building. There are no overnight accommodations with this event.
Next week Sept 19 - 23 We will be participating in the Northeast Fall Shop Hop, Goodie bags, projects and prizes will be awarded to everyone in attendance. Only four shops Carolines Cottage Cottons Rome City, Edwards Sewing Center in Fort Wayne, Quilts N' Gifts Bluffton and Me Heaven on Earth, Grab your friends Come on out and get your sewsperation on.
Sept 30 I will be vending at the Common Threads Quilt show in LaFayette In. This is my first time there and have been told their quilt displays are just awesome. Looking forward to this event. Held at the Faith East Community Center from 9 - 4 Flyers are available at the shop if you would like more information.
Lastly our new BOM Tokens of Thyme starts in Oct. This one will be fun. It is all wool, has a framed option, you can make this in several different ways. We are starting this in October doing the November block. That way you can display the first block for Thanksgiving. If you love wool or would like to try your hand at it this is your BOM Limited kits on this one dont delay.
Stop in or call for any questions
Happy Stitching
Heaven On Earth. Hours
4767 N. State Rd. 15. Mon - Fri 9 - 5 Sat. 9 - 3
Wabash In 46992. Closed Sunday
765-833-5461 Www.heavenonearthofwabash.com