Just a quick note to let you know there are lots of things about to happen. School is back in. Our summer is about to come to a close and Christmas is just around the corner. Watch your e-mail for details.
Registration for our 5th Stitch in is now open. Friday & Saturday Sept. 14th & 15th. This will fill up quickly. Check your calendar and get registered. This is also the weekend for our National Sew a Jelly Roll day! We are planning for some fun.
For just $50 you will receive your own table, ironing stations, cutting table, lunch and dinner Friday and Breakfast and lunch on Saturday. I will have a couple demo's on some great new projects.
Come stitch with like minded friends, leave your dishes, laundry and housecleaning behind. Space is limited sign up soon to save your spot.
Bristle Creek BOM
It was brought to my attention that we missed a fabric in month 8. If you have already picked up your kit. Stop in or call and we will get your fabric to you.
Our Fall shop hop will take place Sept. 18th - 22nd. The shops participating in this Hop are 4 of the same shops that were in the Spring Hop that you earned your discount bag. What a great event to get out, plan your fall projects, and use your discount purchases at the same time. Free passports, free patterns and chances to win prizes.
Happy Stitching
Heaven On Earth Hours
4767 N. State Rd. 15 Monday - Friday 9 - 5 Saturday 9 - 3
Wabash In 46992 Closed Sundays