Hello from Houston
It's funny where you meet your neighbors. Last night was preview night at Houston and like usual someone ask .....so where at in Wabash. I explain and she says thats so nice to know my daughter is wanting to learn and she live in Urbana. Then tells me she lives in Roanoke. And we meet in Houston.
A reminder that our 2nd Annual Cookie Tour is this weekend Nov. 4th & 5th. I personally will not be there, however I did make you delicous cookies to taste and the recipe has been printed up too. Don't miss out on this, everyone will get a free cookie with recipe, an opportunity for a free cookie cutter, demos, prizes and more. And while you are there check out all the sale items in the hallway.
Here in Houston I have some wonderful samples from some great designers. They have all been gracious enough to allow me to keep their samples when I get back for a couple weeks. So.....Give me a chance to get organized and November 10 - 26th we will have A LITTLE BIT OF HOUSON. Lynne Hagmeier will also be sending me her new block of the month for you to preview. We will start this one next year.
Well off to the show. Hope to see you soon. And tell the girls at the shop Hello for me. They will take good care of you this weekend.
Happy Stitching
Cheryl Ross Hours
Heaven On Earth Mon - Fri 9 - 5 Sat 9 - 3
4767 N. St. Rd. 15 Closed Sunday
Wabash In 46992 www.heavenonearthofwabash.com
765-833-5461 follow us on facebook