Announcements, Announcements, Annoouuncceements!!!
It seems it has been so long since I've sent anything out. I have so much to share, and I know I will leave plenty out. We are finalizing our last few days of greenhouse plants, All annuals and perennials are 50% off.
Spring Quilt Market
Last month Nancy Barrows (AKA Nancy J) and I left after our shops closed and drove to Kansas City Mo. Home of the Spring Quilt Market. Once we arrived we both sat out on our own to find great new ideas for you. Each evening we would travel back to our hotel room and share what we had found. Somehow we both seen so many different things. I don't know about Nancy but by Sunday afternoon my brain was so full I couldn't take it any more. Some of the items I brought back have already been made and are now available in the shop. I will get them posted online soon. Or you can stop in and see them for real.
4th of JulY
Next week July 1 - 4 we will be closed for a little family time. I will reopen on Thursday July 5th refreshed and maybe a little tanned from some fun in the sun.
As a thank you for allowing me some family time (and since I have been finding some onesie kits, patterns and skinny bolts) we will have some special pricing on these items. These kits, patterns and bolts will all be 40% off July 5, 6 & 7.
Until then Have a Safe and happy Independance day.
In April while speaking with Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas trouble quilts I got the opportunity to design two quilts for her new book. I have finished and sent my quilts off to Lynne and they will soon be photographed and prepared for her new book.
It was fun to create a quilt from fabric that does not quite exist yet. The fabric is from her new line Holiday Medley and should arrive on the shelf soon. And the book is due out in late summer. This, I believe is Lynne's first book of this kind, and will be full of fast quilts and table toppers using lots of types of pre-cuts including the new 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 inch mini charms. I'll be posting pictures soon of the quilts I designed and also when the book arrives.
Summer Heat
For those of you who garden. This year is a different challenge than usual. Hot, then cool, Dry then dryer. What to do??
While your container plants need daily watering, your garden needs deep water once a week. By watering deep. I mean DEEP, your plant will set a deeper and larger root system and producing a more productive plant. Your plant will not wilt between waterings and will actually use less water. A shallow daily watering on the ground surface leaves you with a shallow root system that will wilt easily. If you have any questions on this please call.
Things to remember
July 1 - 4 , 2012
Marie Webster Quilt Show
Marion In.
July 19 - 21st.
The Original One Stop Quilt Shop Hop
Kokomo Event Center
Kokomo In.
July 27th & 28th
Hope to see you soon, stay cool till then by quilting inside.
Happy Stitching
Cheryl Ross
Heaven On Earth Hours
4767 N. ST. Rd. 15 Mon - Fri 9 - 5 Sat 9 - 5
Wabash In 46992 Closed Sundays
www.heavenonearthofwabash.com Join us on facebook